Waterjets and Abrasivejets are quickly becoming the new standard for precision cutting worldwide because it is fast, flexible and precise. Since we use a small diameter jet capable of cutting even the hardest of materials with an omni-directional motion, it is a very valuable tool for a number of applications. Here are a few of the many popluar uses for water jet cutting:
- Metal Stamping, Tool and Die Makers:
Eliminate tooling costs on short run items by having them waterjet cut. Hard to stamp materials are no problem for the waterjet. Save time and money by jetcutting stripper plates instead of wire EDM.
- Architectural and Interior Design:
Custom flooring, countertops, backsplashes and more from marble and stone, as well as architectural details from different types of metals.
- Signage:
The waterjet is capable of cutting any material in any contour from your CAD file with beautiful results. Sign logos and fonts will be reproduced with complete accuracy.
- Aerospace:
Our waterjet can machine any known materials including composites, laminates, plastics, rubbers, castings, forging, aluminum, stainless steel, hardened or tool steel, exotic alloys, heat sensitive materials, as well as synthetics that may release harmful vapors when cut using other methods. Popular aerospace applications are the cutting of brackets, mounts, tooling, instrument panels, various mechanisms, consoles.
- Manufacturing:
We accurately produce parts for products that are sold on the retail market, as well as many of the parts used to make the machines on assembly lines.
- Automotive & transportation:
Prototyping and production parts for automobiles, and the tooling for making automobiles, trains, ships, motorcycles.
- Model making/rapid prototyping:
Fast turn around of single or limited quantity production of nearly any material.
- Artists:
Stained glass, marble and stone, metal sculpture, jewelry, and more.
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